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Concerns about my Turtle

22 16:30:35

Hi Mark,
A few weeks ago, we got 3 baby/small was like the size of a toonie, but maybe a bit bigger. So they were eating and everything was fine. Until one day, we found out one turtle's tail was half the size it was when we first got it. Then today we saw that practically the other half was gone... The tail now looks like a stub with sort of a brown colour to it.But it's still pretty active, even though it's always resting... I don't really know what's going on. Can you please help me? My mom and I don't know what to do. Should we separate that turtle with the other two? Will the tail grow back?

"Toonie"- I assume this is the Canadian $2 coin?

Attacks by tankmates are common when there are care issues that might need changing. For example, aggression can often be the result of over-crowding, diet issues, and so on.

What I would recommend is that you treat the injury (instructions below) and read the site to see if there are changes to the basic cares that might help.

As for the injury- separating the turtle would be a good idea. Pat the turtle dry and dab some providone iodine (Betadine Solution) on the stump and let it dry for an hour or so. If the wound looks raw, or tender, dab some antibiotic ointment on it.

If the wound turns red or swells, you really should see a vet.