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Star tortoise food

22 16:05:07

QUESTION: hi, can I know what is the best food for star tortoise?is it okay to gv it eat romaine and butterhead? Because Malaysia dont hv much wild flowers and hard to get it. And I put my tortoise indoor so there is no grass for it to is the best food

ANSWER: The best diet for the Star Tortoise is called the 'weed diet'- grasses, hays, flowers, plants, leaves, etc. supplemented by dark leafy greens. Romaine and butterhead lettuce is nota very good option- low in calcium and fairly low in most other nutrients. Better options are kale, spinach (in small amounts), turnip or collard greens, Escarole and Endive lettuces, arugula or rocket, etc.

You can talk to experienced keepers, as I mentioned in the other answer, at for ideas that may be easier to find where you are.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i just bought a pot of Optunia cactus. How much do i need to feed for my star tortoise? i just chop n gv it to my tortoise? how abt the torns or prickers?

The thorns and hairs on most opuntia does not bother tortoises, but to be safe, most of us hold the pads with some tongs and burn the hair and thorns off.

Feed it as much as it will eat in about 15-20 minutes. They will eat a ton of the stuff if you let them, but that is not good for them, so we limit their diet.