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my pet turtule

22 16:14:17

My dad gave me and my sister a turtle but he didn't tell us what kind of turtle it was. We don't know if it is a boy or girl.
My question is how can I tell if it is a boy or girl.
My dad said he had it 6mths and it's still small it have four bumps on the back of it's shell around the bottom of the shell it is yellow.
The turtle have yellow stripes all over it and red lines on each side of it's eyes.

                      Thank's a lot Daryle!

Red lines behind the eyes usually means a Red-ear Slider. You can learn a lot about this turtle at

Boy or girl is hard with smaller turtles. When the turtles are about 4 years old, the male will have much longer front claws, an incurved belly shell, and a longer, skinnier tail.

The female will have a flat or outcurved belly shell (plastron), and a shorter, wider tail.

Until they are old enough, however, it is really hard to be sure.