Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > African side neck turtle

African side neck turtle

22 16:15:42

My ASN was purchased 2 years ago.  Today there are tons of eggs.  I have no other pets.  Is my ASN sick?

Probably not so much sick...

Turtles can store sperm for use later- if your turtle was purchased as a near-adult or older and had access to another male, these may well be fertile eggs (unless they were laid in water, in which case they are no longer viable.)

Older turtles often lay eggs, apparently in an effort to get rid of excesses of some nutrients and hormones.

Stressed turtles may lay eggs, but usually only a couple at a time.

I am sorry I don't have specific info on the ASN, however. You might want to try and see what their ASN folk recommend.