Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > newts


22 16:04:32

hi i was woundering about a tank setup i have 2 red ear slider babys that are about an 1 and a half inches and a hyroglific cooter that is the same size...sorry for spelling...and they are in a 10 gallon tank i am getting rid of one of the sliders and putting the other slider and cooter in a 20 long tank soon .....i was woundering if it would be ok to put some kind of newt or cheap water loving lizard in there with the turtles because they seem to do fine with the 3 gold fish i have in there..... i was thinking a fire belly newt or something like that but idk and give me ideas for a cheap setup for a water loving anphibian like that.....thanks DAVID

I am sorry it took, so long to respond as I just got the notice that you had asked a que.
I personally do not think adding anything  to the water is a good idea.. turtles grow fast and need foods and if given the chance they will eat them. All that would have to happen is for the amph to drop to get  a soak and then they will grab it.
Why are you "getting This is a problem many rescues are having. People get them and decide they dont want them. They may  be fine right now with the goldfish but eventually they will eat them.
Are you prepared to provide an outdoor pond for these turtles? They will get large and tanks just will not be sutable eventually.