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Yellow-Bellied Slider ~ Swollen Rear Flesh

22 16:30:34

I have a (female) yellow-bellied slider that is approximately 9 to 11 months old.  Within the last two days, the flesh around her rear legs has become swollen.  Sometimes it retracts briefly, but it just seems to be sticking out.  She is still eating and acting normally.  I haven't changed the way I care for the tank, how I feed the animals, or introduced any new fish into the mix.  Should I be worried?  What should I do?

Background info: We live in South Korea.  She lives in a 20-gallon tank with two plecos, four loaches, and various species of African cichlids.  Tripod has three legs.  (She lost her right-rear leg to a piranha when she was about two months old. ~ Hence the reason I adopted her.)  Her shell is about 2 and 1/4 inched long and wide.

Thank you in advance. :D

Swelling like this is often a sign of a blood infection. I find myself wondering of one of the fish has been nibbling on her and possibly opened up a pathway for infection.

I also wonder if the tank is big enough and well-enough filtered for her needs.

I recommend that you check out the excellent website

It is full of great care advice for this kind of turtle (which is closely related to the Red-ear Slider.) Make sure Tripod is getting the right tank space, right diet, right temps, etc. and the swelling will probably go away on its own.

However, if the swelling continues, gets worse, or turns red, you will need to see a vet for antibiotic injections.

Good luck!