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Red Ear Sliders Aggressive

22 16:17:01

I have three R.E.S. and the are about three years old in a 50 gallon tank (i think). Just the other day the big female started attacking the medium female-Ernie. I removed the bad one from the tank. But one of Ernie's eye's is swollen shut. The other eye has recovered and she only keeps that one open. I am afraid of infection and how to help her recover. What should I do to help Ernie recover?  

Hello Eden,

Swollen eyes can be caused by a several reasons, for example:
- RI (Respiratory infection)
- Dirty substrates in the eye
- Scratches in the eye (Ex. from another turtle)
- Lack of vitamin A

9/10 times it's usually a respiratory infection, but in this
case were two turtles recently have been fighting, you might should
expect a scratch in the eye.
However, just to make sure it's not a RI, I do need to ask you a couple of questions: Have Ernie any symptoms like problemed breathing, bubbly nose, lack of energy or sneezing?
(These are the usual symptoms of a RI)

But no matter the cause of this eye problem, I suggest that you
check the water quality (Temperature and cleaness)and make sure to keep the turtle warm and away from drafts and breezes.

Best wishes