Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > What gender is my turtle?

What gender is my turtle?

22 16:17:13

I got this new baby Yellow-bellied slinder but im having a hard time naming it becuase i dont know if its a boy or girl yet so i cant think of a name. first can you think of a name and second how do i find out the gender of my turtle

Name: This is a pretty personal thing. I tend to name my animals according to formulas, such as place names from the home range, variations of the scientific name, etc. (By the way, yours is Trachemys scripta scripta, or 'necked turtle with writing' for the stripes on the neck and the writing-looking markings on the shell.)

The scripta bit would suggest using a font name I liked- Ariel, Garamond, etc.

Sex: there is no way to tell the sex on a baby turtle. It will have to be about 4 years old before you can do this reliably.