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wild florida peninsula cooter gestation

22 16:17:14

This morning my husband spotted a large peninsula cooter laying eggs in the yard.  We let her be and watched as she headed back to the water when she was finished.  What now?  I love the idea watching the eggs hatch, but when will they do this exactly?  Is there a way to know a close to a presice date and time (morning, late afternoon, night, etc.)?  We plan to leave then alone, but would love to watch them head off to the water (a canal behind the house).

Hello Lori, I want to apologize for the delay in response to your question. I had to do some research first.
They do lay in April/May as I am sure you have realized. The exact day? No, it is a very wide range of when they will hatch depending on the temperature and other factors but anywhere from 80 to 105 days after being laid. So after about 75 days I would start keeping a closer eye on it. And from what I have read depending on the time they were laid and again on the temperature it is most common that they will hatch at night. Not sure what time of night and it can happen any time of day its just more common at night.

I am so jealous, what an oppertunity to see this process and be able to experience it first hand from a turtle in the wild. You sure are lucky.
I am glad you plan to leave them be if you have racoons or other scavinger animals around you might want to think about a way to detour them away from the eggs. They will dig them up. I dont think putting a fence around the mound would help but maybe multiple mounds if you dont mind doing so to your yard. To distract him or something. Or if you know any other tricks to keep racoons away besides injuring it.
Just a thought

Best of luck!