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slider turtles

22 16:00:57

Hi, i just bought 2 slider turtles. I live in India. Are they illegal to own here? Also , what do i feed them? they are about an inch long and are not eating the turtle food that comes in a can.
Pleas get back to me asap. Thank you

Hi Eisha,

As far as I know, they're not illegal to own in India, but that's something you need to check out for yourself--I really have no way to research laws in India.  As far as caring for the turtles, I'm guessing that the pet shop gave you incorrect information on red-eared sliders, so let me give you some basic information and then I'll provide links with more detailed information below.

Red-eared sliders get quite large, and they need BIG tanks.  For now, you can keep your hatchlings in a 30-40 gallon tank, but in a few years you will need AT LEAST a 150 gallon tank, and a 200 gallon tank (or outdoor pond) would be better.  You need a filter that's rated for three times the capacity of the tank (so for now a filter rated for a 100-150 gallon tank).  Good water quality is vital--many problems with turtles are caused by poor water quality.  You need to provide a basking area of 88-90 degrees, with a good source of UVB (specialty reptile bulb).  The water temperature should be about 78 degrees--a couple of inches of water is enough for their size.  Make sure they can climb out onto the basking area easily.

They need a varied diet.  Don't feed them just one thing.  Pellets are fine, along with a variety of greens (turnip, mustard, dandelion, collards, romaine, etc.) and meat--worms, tiny fish, pinhead crickets, bloodworms, etc.  A complete diet list is in the links.  

Please read everything below over carefully; it will tell you everything you need to know.