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Baby RES turtle

22 16:30:15

I recently got a baby red ear slider from the pet store. He is really small, He is about the size of a 50 cent coin. He was doing great for 2 weeks. Then i noticed last week he wouldnt get in the water and I had the water temp in the upper 70's lower 80's. He wouldn't eat either. He just slept in the dry area under the light for about a week. So finally last night i woke him, put him in the water and put food infront of him and he ate A LOT! I am feeding him the repto sticks and he probably ate 4 of them. I'm sure that was just because he didn't eat for a week. He's back to being his active self again. Hes swimming and moving alot. But Ive also noticed little white freckles on his shell and it doesnt seem to be shell rot and i have gotten some of them off but his shell is very soft. Hes really little so i thought it was because he is a baby and it hasn't fully hardened yet. I was wondering what was going on with him. Why was he sleeping so much and not eating? And what about the white spots? Help?!

Temps sound OK, and it is a good food. White freckles are usually small air bubbles in the shell- not a big deal.

The shell should be hardening, but some flex is OK while it is small. 'Soft shell' means it is leathery and floppy. Springy is normal at this stage.

As for the sleeping, I don't see anything here that helps me determine this so I suggest that you review your cares at a good site like and see if they suggest anything you can tweak.