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Wild Turtle Help

22 16:16:27

I just found a wild turtle in my backyard, my two dogs (that are on invisible fences) were barking and going crazy so I went to see what was up and my German Shepherd was trying to kill it! I quickly got a shovel and picked up the poor turtle. I put the turtle in a kiddie pool I have for my dogs and then put my dogs inside. It's swimming around and I don't think it has any injuries. I think it's a diamondback terrapin here is a picture:
Yes, it is a very bad picture, sorry. Anyway, what should I do with it? I would love to keep it somehow, but I've never had a turtle so I don't know what to do, any suggestions? I live in the country near a lot of marsh so I could release somewhere else, but where? There is a little creek in the woods behind our house. So, any help with what to do with this turtle would be appreciated. Again, I'd love to keep it but I will also release it if it's the right thing to do. Help please!

By the way, I live in South Jersey if that helps in any way.

Oh, and if I CAN keep the turtle, I have a twenty something fish tank that I could use...or I could get my dogs another kiddie pool. Anyway, I want to do what's best for the turtle, even if it means I can't keep it.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hello Kristen, I am not sure what type of turtle it is but I recommend instead of keeping it or releasing it taking it to an animal shelter would help. Or better yet an animal rescue. As long as they don't want to put it down. If you can't find any place like that to take it in then be sure it has no injuries and is healthy and try to find a place for it. Keeping it will probably add stress to him. The creek behind your house is probably a good area don't put him in the water but somewhere near it so he can seek it out himself.

That fish tank is too small for him and a pond would be best, but be sure to read up on aquatic turtle care to be sure you have all the needed items, Turtles take a lot of commitment and special care.

I hope that helps, let me know
