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adopting am african desert tortoise

22 16:15:41

i live in phoenix, az. I have 2 red-eared sliders who currently live in an indoor aquarium. We are in the process of planning an outdoor habitat for them as they are getting bigger and we want them to have room to grow. i have 2 questions. We are considerind the adoption of a one year old african desert tortoise. As long as we provide the necessary accomodations for both species, can they co-habitat and when planning our habitat, i would like to know if they will only eat the plants that are safe for them to eat or do I need to be selective what I plant inside the habitat?

Hello Casey, they can not live together or have access to eachother, mostly for fighting or territorial reasons.

And you do need to be selelctive of the plant choice, as they will eat any of them even if they are toxic. They just dont know. So be careful and read up on what plants are safe. has a good list of aquatic and non aquatic plants that are safe for reptiles including turtles.

Good luck