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Turtle eating rocks

22 16:48:28

My turtle's been eating rocks for the past couple of weeks and we don't know why. We've had him in the same tank with the same rocks since April but he's just now startin to eat rocks. Is there a reason for that?

Since I don't know the age, species, or living conditions of the turtle, I'm going to make a few guesses- but remember, I am NOT a veteranarian!

If they are small rocks, and it is eating only a few of them, I would not worry about it- it may be that it likes the algae growing on them, or wants the ballast and grinding action a small number of small rocks provide.

If it is eating larger rocks or ignoring other food, I'd be more concerned.

In either case, I'd clean out the cage well and move the turtle to a 'hospital' tank for observation. This is just a clean tank with no decorations, rocks or sand, plants, etc.- just water and a place to crawl out on. Watch it in here for a few days. If it seems to be behaving OK, I'd go back to normal. If it swims at an angle, has troubles swimming, is not eating, etc., then I'd consider seeing someone who knows about turtles.