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gr8 news

22 16:02:57

QUESTION: hi there jeannie, i have some gr8 new, the medicine did work !!!!!
thank God i'm so glad i put it yesterday as i told u in his tank and today he showed some improvement he can dive and walk on the bottom of his tank !!!!! i don't know how it worked this fast but thank God it did  :)
really i owe u BIG TIME :)
ill keep informing u with his progress and as for eating he has good appetite and he ate shrimps today :)
thank u so much for ur time and effort. GBU

ANSWER: Hi Angy,

That's great to hear.  I doubt the medication is doing it, because he wouldn't have taken in enough from the water to make a difference and it takes a few days to start working, but this is a very good sign.  He needs to keep getting the medication (orally or by injection) for the full course of treatment.

And again, make sure you have everything set up correctly.  That will help to make sure this is less likely to happen again.  

Good news!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Jeannie,
just wanted to tell my RES is doing gr8 now he fully recovered :)
he dives swims straight eats and plays :)
u helped save his life thank u so much for everything.
if anyone tells u same problem from egypt tell them to find livoxene 250mg ( fluoroquinolone ) and to divide a tablet for 4 quarters each day dissolve a quarter in the water, hope u can help other people here with the same problem.
thank you for everything.

ANSWER: Hi Angy,

I'm so glad to hear your turtle is so much better.  I hope he has a long and happy life with you.  Thank you for caring so much about him!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi there jeannie,
my res rexcovered as i told u from the sickness he had but today i was checking him i found the skin around his nose so red like coloure of his ears and also he has a couple of strange looking spots under his mouth what are these? Are these bacterial infections ? And do they appear all of the sudden ?
Still all his vitals are excellent he eats very well and is always hungry he moves very well too.
also have to mention i have a water heater but they always have it in winter can it be the cause that he slept over it so it burned him ?
I know i asked too many questions but really i have no place else to turn to...
Thx so much.

Hi Angy,

I'm not certain what the redness or spots are, but it could be from the heater or from bumping his nose against something.  It could also be some kind of skin infection due to poor water quality.  Do you have a good filter in your tank?  That's really important.

As far as the heater goes, check the water temperature.  If your house is reasonably warm, and as long as the water is about 75 degrees, you don't really need a water heater.  Since you're in Egypt, I doubt you need to heat the water.  Try taking the heater out and see if the redness and spots start healing up.