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eastern paint turtle

22 16:01:25

Found a paint turtle in a local pond with an injured leg (no open wound or anything, may not be injured, but not extending it) along with some sort of parasite on the same leg. The parasites are small and slug like. Can you tell me what are these parasites and how can we help this turtle get rid of them? Thank you!!

Hi Gwynn,

They're most likely leeches, which can be removed with tweezers.  If you dry dock the turtle for a few hours a day, the leeches may drop off on their own, but keep checking every few days because there may be larvae or eggs hidden in skin folds that you won't see until later.  The leeches probably won't cause any serious harm, but if the turtle is otherwise compromised in health (due to the possible leg injury, for instance, or illness) there could be problems.  You might want to consult with your local herp society or a wildlife rehabber to see what you should do.  Ideally, the turtle should be released back to the pond, but it may need more extensive medical attention.  If you need help locating a herp society or rehabber, post back with the nearest city and I'll see what I can find for you.