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African Side Necked Turtle

22 16:07:30

I have an African Side Necked turtle. She is used to shallow waters, and I put her in 10 inch waters and she can't get water very well if at all. Any suggestions for getting her used to deeper waters?

Hi Matthew,

I'm not quite sure what the problem is--you left a few words out in your post.  Do you mean she is having a hard time getting in and out of the water?  8-10" is about the right depth of water for your turtle, but you might have to rig up some kind of ramp so she can get in and out of the water easily.  If you can tell me what kind of setup you have for her (tank size, basking area/dock, etc.), I can give you some suggestions.  If she's not a mature turtle, then I would reduce the level of water in her tank so that it's approximately as deep as she is wide.  Very deep water isn't necessary for African side-necks.