Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > RES ready to lay eggs?

RES ready to lay eggs?

22 16:38:34

I have two 2 y.o. RES. One of them has recently started to behave very unnaturally, she is trying to "escape" the tank, waking us up every morning at sunrise. I tried to cover the tank so she can't tell the sun is rising, but that only helped for a few days. The other turtle is behaving normally. Can it be she is ready to lay eggs even if she is so young?

Clawing at glass walls is usually a sign of stress or overcrowding. If the tank is already big- figure at least 10 gallons of water per inch of shell length total- then the problem may be tank layout.

Try covering the glass where she is trying to get out with some paper or something so the turtle can see the barrier.

Try for some good care advice as well.