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my parents sulcata tortoises

22 16:16:12

My parents have had 3 sulcata tortoises for about 5 years and recently bought a female. Yesterday one of the males and the female mated. We were wondering how long is gestation time from when they mate to when she lays eggs???

Hi Sarita, I am not positive on this as there is a little amount of information out on it and I do not have personal  breeding experience with these species. I have read something about 27 days after mating for them to lay their eggs. I am not sure of this, it seems just too short a time. The other "expert" here under turtles Mark, should be able to answer as I beleive he has experience breeding tortoises. I do know that it takes approximately 90 days after the eggs were layed for them to hatch at 82-86 degree temperature.

I do not suggest you attempt to breed them again, there are too many captive tortoises bred right now and many are getting inproper care. Not to mention it is hard on the female.

Sorry I couldn't be of much help.