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hatchling RES

22 16:03:47

I have been living in China for a little over a month now. At the weekend we went to the local supermarket, and found a large selection of turtles in tiny containers with cartoon characters for lids, sold for little kids to play with. We got two of the most alert little hatchlings out of there, thinking they had the best chance for survival.

I've been doing a lot of research and trying to provide the best environment that I can, but I just can't get hold of much specialist equipment out here.

Can you suggest any ideas for a DIY home? Or any general advice at all? My little one is only 4.5cm long and is currently sunning herself under my desk lamp at the moment...  

Hello you can take a fish tank and set it up for them,. Just put the water deeper than the turtles set up a place for heat area place a heat light over him.

you can use rocks from the yard, be careful and allow the rocks to be clean and safe.

Keep an eye on them, let me know if i can help.