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Planning to buy an Indian star tortoise.

22 15:56:56

"I'm planning to buy an indian star tortoise. So I just want to know the precautions or how to setup an environment for it. My friend has kept it & he is asking me only to put a vegetable named ladies finger. Fruits, soil & moisture is to be avoided. So please tell me the things I must remember before buying it. Thanks for answering."

Seriously? I take one question a day and you asked me for information that you literally could have found in a second on Google. You can't be that lazy? If so then you definitely won't be able to reliably care for a tortoise. Try "Indian Star Tortoise". There are two detailed care sheets in the FIRST THREE results...

And BTW, your friend doesn't know WTH he's talking about! This is a tortoise. It needs a natural substrate, some humidity (It's from INDIA after all), and a helluva lot more varied diet than that. You have a LOT of reading to do before you're ready for this. I'd say if you can't keep it outdoors, don't bother.