Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Baby red slider seems to be hibernating but not sure?

Baby red slider seems to be hibernating but not sure?

22 16:29:55

My niece left her baby turtle in my care. Ahhrg!!! As I researched, I found that it was illegal to have a turtle less than 4" long. This is a baby turtle about 2" in diameter. A very picky eater... only dried shrimp. At first it refused to eat then ate the shrimp (hated the pellets), after the season turned to fall it stopped eating, moving  and would just sleep. Quick when placed on the floor or grass during summer.

It is in a tank with dirt, rocks and a small pool of water. No lamp and I change the water daily. It used to be active and now is in a perpetual state of deep sleep. Should I try to awake it? I heard hibernation is dangerous in reptilian pets. I check on the little guy or girl every day and it just seems to sleep deeply even when gently poked. It just sleep walks away from my poking finger with eyes closed. Is it sick?

I placed it on a sock and gently folded it. It just stays there all day. What should I do? i don't want it to die in my care.....
Sincerely the reluctant pet owner

It is not illegal to buy them- it is against federal regulations for the store to sell them.

I hate to tell you this, but pretty much everything you have described is... less than good for the turtle.

Give for some good care guidelines that will give you a happy, healthy turtle.