Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > My soon to be Turtle

My soon to be Turtle

22 16:02:40

QUESTION: My friend is most likely bringing me a turtle from Florida and I live in Ohio. What should I put in it's cage and should I get a lamp thing to be a "sun"? It's a freshwater turtle and it will be a baby.

ANSWER: You can research most of this online, on your own. There are tons of freshwater turtle websites. Not only that, but if you are asking these very basic things, you are not ready for one at all. Yes, all captive turtles need the "sun", particularly babies, or they grow up deformed and often die of metabolic dysfunction.

I assume your friend is bringing you one captured one from the wild, or one from a souvenir shop and I'm not supportive of that. Besides, you can't even tell me the species, and they don't all have the same preferences.

If you want a pet, do the research well before hand, and get a captive bred animal from a known breeder. Not some shady shop, reptile show sleaze, or where they usually get theirs...stolen from nature.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I was researching the things I was looking for online that's how I found this site. I couldn't find anything that I was looking for so when I seen that this site had "experts" I thought I might be able to get my questions answered.

And the point of me asking these very basic things is so that I can get ready to have a turtle. I don't know to much about them and I am trying to figure out so that my turtle will be happy and healthy.

You shouldn't assume things because your totally wrong. I don't believe in taking animals out of their natural habitat. If I did, do you think he would be bring me a turtle from Florida? I would just go out side and get one for my self.

I thought that the term "freshwater turtle" was they type that he was but I found out shortly after messaging you that he is a Yellow Belly Slider. My friend wasn't sure if he was going to be getting me a Yellow Belly Slider or a Red Ear Slider. So thank you for not helping me at all and being rude to me. I wish I could of rated your answer because I'd give it a -5.

Glad to help someone who didn't even know what species they were getting, yet expected someone else to! Someone who wanted an answer spoon fed to her. Lazy.

A google search would have given you plenty to read without me having to take time away from rescue animals to satisfy your ignorant questions.

Too bad I can't rate your question - else I would have given you a big "L".