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painted turtle not eating

22 16:20:41

I have adopted a painted turtle 2 months ago from a family that did not want her anymore.I put her in a 55 gallon tank with a heater two filters and a 5 year old male red eared slider(I've had since a hatchling)she adjusted very well,for about 2 months until recently she just stopped eatting.I looked her over she looks very heathy .She sit's on her basking rock all day.The male red eared slider does occasionally chase her around the tank,but that never stopped her from eating before.I read that it might possible be,that she could be producing egg's or is stressed.My question is should I be worried or wait it out a few weeks?

This sounds like a pretty classic case of stress. Turtles do not share space well unless they have plenty of room. We generally recommend 10 gallons of water per inch of shell length to give each turtle enough room.

Even with a big tank, some turtles are just bullies, and male Red-ears are very often bullies. Keeping the painted turtle from food is not always the issue. It will keep it from getting good rest, using the good basking sites and hiding sites, chase it and stress it out, etc.

We often see this when two very different sized species are mixed, and other than a giant tank, the only other option seems to be separation.

You might ask some of the people at to see if anyone there has had any success with other techniques.

Good luck!