Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > N.American Wood Turtle

N.American Wood Turtle

22 16:47:20

I also have a Baby Wood Turtle thats eats only live food (earth worms, snail, slugs, any insect).  I can't get him to eat ANY fruit or Veggies.  I coat his food every other day with Herptivite, do you have any ideas for getting him to eat plant matter?  I've  tried the "red" trick it doesn't work.  

His habitat is just about perfect.



Baby turtles are often almost totally carnivourous. Don't sweat it. They need the meat to fuel their high (for a turtle) metabolisms.

His habitat is almost perfect? Great- these guys have tricky habitat needs indoors- they do best outside in shady areas with nice pools.