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Red Footed Tortoise Baby

22 16:38:18

I bought a red footed tortoise baby that's about 6 months old (4") and it has been eating almost nothing in the week and a half I've had it.  I've tried to monitor how much it's eaten, but its difficult. I feed it finely chopped mustard, collard, dandilion, romain, kale, grapes, and strawberries.  It ate better when I first got him (2 days)but its consumption has dropped to next to nothing since then.  It's activity level has dropped and I'm concerned.  How long can a baby tortoise survive without much if anything to eat?  How long should it take it to aclimate to it's new environment? Oh, and how do you sex a tortoise?

It is common for appetite to drop off when there is a big change, such as new housing, but that usually goes away in a few days.

Baby Red-foots NEED NEED NEED the right heat, humidity, and diet. Your diet sounds OK- (drop the grapes and kale, and try turnip greens instead of mustard or collard), so I wonder if the habitat needs tweaking.

The absolute BEST site I know for young Red-foots is Tery Kilgore's site

The owner is very opinionated, but his opinions work and are easy to follow. Give his set up a try and see how things go!

You really cannot sex a young tortoise. Wait until it is a few years old and you should start to see the differences between the sexes.

Another great care site is