Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > yellowbelly turtle can he survive a winter in ohio pond

yellowbelly turtle can he survive a winter in ohio pond

22 16:04:58

I have a yellowbelly turtle that is to big for his tank. I was going to release him into my sister inlaws pond. Can he survive the winter in a pond in Ohio?

That's completely irresponsible. There is a reason that yellow bellies aren't native to Ohio. You should have done your research and considered this housing dilemma before buying one, or kidnapping it from the wild like most people do. I recommend you find a reptile rescue or herp society in your area. Release of a non-native species in your state could get you a fine, not to mention you are polluting the gene pool of native turtle species, and possibly subjecting the turtle to a protracted death due to your lack of responsibility.