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New Owner

22 16:48:34

A 3 year old hermans tortoise arrived today. I have bought a vivarium with UV lighting for him or her.

1. I intend keeping him in the vivarium at night and when it is cold outside and putting him in the garden at other times. Is this the best way to look after him?

2. Is he old enough to hibernate this year?

#1: Depends on many elements- where you live (the answer for Nome Alsaka is a lot different than it is for Key West), your experience level, etc. but as a general rule of thumb, tortoises do better outdoors whenever possible.

If it is outdoors without any glass or plastic blocking the sun, the sunlight provides adequate UV, so you'll only need the bulb when it is indoors all day.

2. This also depends on your level of expertise and confidence.

I'm going to direct you to a great website for Hermann's- What info they cannot provide, you'll find at and The first two are great for most keepers, while the last is mostly for California and the southwest area, but good overall!