Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Lethargic Red Ear Slider seems ill

Lethargic Red Ear Slider seems ill

22 16:06:52

What should we do?  
We have a large ourdoor pond (about 20,000 gal) Depth 1.5 to 4 feet with several large rocks turtles like to sit on and sun, plus they crawl out and sit on the side of the pond in the sun.

Outside temperature is Moderate in AZ Winter, perhaps 70-72 in daytime.

Found turtle upside down on bottom of pond, then lost him, and didn't find him for a couple days.  When I fished him out, his little paw grabbed my finger, so he's alive.

I brought him inside, put him in the tub, with about 3/8 inch or water in a low pan.  Then placed a heat lamp above him for extra warmth (not too close)

Gave some fresh lettuce, snow peas, chicken, and some small high protein fish pellets.

His eyes are closed, he moves front paws, but does not move body.  

Hi Carl,

I'd advise you to take him to a vet.  Whatever is going on, he sounds very sick and this really isn't something I can help with over the internet.  Keeping him inside for the time being is a good idea, but he really does need a vet.

BTW, while a variety of greens are good for RES (turnip, dandelion, collards, kale, spring mix, etc.), veggies such as snow peas really aren't.  Stick to leafy greens and animal protein.  Hope your turtle is better soon.