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New red eared sliders from petco

22 16:04:37

My wife and I just purchased two red eareds sliders.  they are both about 4.5 inches in size.  We set up the tank two days ago with a basking areas, heat lamp, UVB light, and a filter.  we have them in a 29 Long tank that is filler a little more than half way.  They have been extremely timid and scared whenever we approach the tank, and we have tried to feed them (turtle pellets) the last three days and they have not eaten anything. Are the just stressed from all the changes or do I need to be worried?



Hi Jon,

They do need a few days to settle in, so don't worry too much yet on that point.  I know you probably received advice from Petco, and most of it was probably bad (pet stores just don't have good information).  A 29 gallon tank is too small for even one turtle the size of your RES, and RES can grow quite large.  A mature female can be close to 12" in length, although males will be smaller.  You probably can't sex your turtles yet.  So first thing I would do is look for a bigger thank--50 gallons would still be small, but better.  If you can do 100 gallons that would be best, but depending on their adult size you might still have to upgrade.  You will also need a filter that can handle an increased water volume.  Getting a really good (canister) filter will save you time and effort in reduced water changes.

Make sure you have the turtles set up correctly, as being too warm or cool will affect their appetites.  The basking area should be about 88-90 degrees, and the water temperature roughly 78 degrees.  A good varied diet is also important.  Young RES are more carnivorous, but you can also offer greens a few times a week, so try boiled chicken/shrimp/eggs, worms, mealworms, crickets, guppies, etc.; turnip greens, dandelion, mustard, collards, kale, etc.  Pellets are fine, but not exclusively.

Here's some websites that will give you more information.  Please ask if you have any other questions.