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What kind of turtle do I have???

22 16:17:30

I bought a turtle in Panama City Beach, FL. I did not ask what kind he was, But they had a full 50 gallon aquarium full of them and they were cute, so I got one. I know he lives in the water and sits on a floting dock that I got him that rises and falls with the water level. He can be either one I guess, (land or water) but he mostly stays in the water till I turn on the aquarium light. He seems to like it. He does not have red stripes, he is only yellow and black with blueish grayish eyes. He is a baby thing no bigger than a half dollar. I dont know what kind he is, but when I put my finger up to the glass he attacks me! I took him out recently and he tried to bite my finger. He has never done this before. I have had him for about a month. I wonder if I am feeding him enough? I feed him reptomin, which is a mix of krill, shrimp, and pellets. He seems to like it so I feed him twice a day. I hope this is right as well as the light. I only turn it on at night because the water heats up. What temp should his water be? I keep it between 70-80 degrees F. Thanks for all your help I know nothig about turtles!

Hello Dixie,

Reptomin is probably the best commercial food available, so it's good to use that as a part of the diet. You can also feed your turtle almost any kind of worm: silkworms, earthworms and waxworms for example. snails, shrimps and slugs are also possible food.
Feeding the turtle twice a day should be enough, but be sure to never feed it any cat/dog-food!
For the habitat: Keep the water-temperature around 75 degrees. Make sure to keep the tank clean and proper, with a well working filtration.

Finally: I'm not 100 % sure, but since you bought your turtle in Florida, I would guess that your turtle is a Yellowbelly slider or maybe a Suwannee River Cooter. But it definitely sounds like a yellowbelly slider.

Best wishes