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red-eared slider

22 16:06:40

hiee!! i recently got a new red-eared slider. how many times to feed it?
is turtle food(pellets) availiable in the market is good for instant growth..?

Hi Akshay,

A good quality pellet formulated for turtles is OK as part of a varied diet, but not as the only food.  RES need a variety of both animal and plant matter--young turtles are more carnivorous than adults.  I'm going to give you a link to a good website to read over, but here's the basic care information for RES (most likely the advice given when you bought your turtle was incorrect):

These are *large* turtles and as adults require spacious accommodations.  A 50 gallon tank is the bare minimum for a male, and females are much bigger so require more space.  An outdoor pond is ideal.  You'll need very good filtration, a heater for the water, and a heat/UVB source.  Basking temperature should be about 90 degrees, with a water temp of about 78 degrees.  Hatchlings can be fed once daily, but be careful not to overfeed.  Steady growth is the key; you don't want rapid growth.  Adults should be fed every other day.

Here's the website: