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whats wrong with my turtle

22 16:01:35


A few days ago one of my turtles bit the other one on the nap of the neck and now the place where he was bitten has turned whit and is starting to come off and i can see white there can this really hurt him or will he be ok? please respond I'm so worried!!!

Hi Damon,

If you can post a picture I can take a look and see how serious the injury is.  You may be able to treat the injury by cleaning the wound daily and treating with an antibiotic ointment, then drydocking the turtle for a few hours: (scroll down to the very bottom for information on what to use).  If the injury is severe or doesn't start to heal within a week or so, or if the turtle becomes lethargic and loses his appetite, you may need to bring him to a herp vet for treatment.

If there is aggression between your turtles, you may have to separate them.  You didn't say what species you have, but turtles need a considerable amount of room, and generally speaking two adult turtles will need *at least* a 100 gallon tank, and many species need more room than that.  Overcrowding can lead to territorial issues and aggression.  Below is further information on the housing needs of turtles.