Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > how do i hatch baby turtlels and how long will it take

how do i hatch baby turtlels and how long will it take

22 16:14:19

hay my teachers turtles mated and i wanted to know how can i take care of these little hatchlings, and how long until they will hatch and what do i do the

It would be very helpful to know the species of turtle we are talking about- it makes a big difference in the cares.

Here is a great general purpose article-

A couple quick points:
- If the eggs were laid in water, they will not hatch. This happens to many turtles in captivity for many reasons. Even when they have a place to dig nests, they often choose to lay them in the water anyway.

- If you move the eggs, do so very carefully- they are very delicate inside. The best way is to mark the tops gently with a pencil and keep that end up at all times.

- Most turtle eggs hatch when they are ready- often based on the age of the mother, temps and humidity of the incubater, etc. It usually takes 2-3 months, but can happen any time in 20-300 days.

You can talk to several experienced keepers at to get more info.