Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > yellow Belley Turtle

yellow Belley Turtle

22 16:06:20

My turtle is 2 years old,and its wont eat for 1 mount!!! I'm shocked,him giving some turtle food to my turtle but nothing going on. I'm starting to use some special food for stressed turtles,buts it doesnt work. what should I do?? please help!

Hi Christina,
Thanks for your question, I will try to answer as best as possible.

What kind of food are you feeding him or her? Try feeding some small pieces of cooked chicken, live rosy reds(or minnows/feeder guppies), or some different pellets.That might get her eating again.

What is the temperature of the tank? If it is too cold sometimes turtles will try to hibernate and that can also cause them to stop eating.

Have you ever taken the turtle to the vet? There may be something medically wrong which is causing her to not eat.

Please feel free to write a follow up with the answers to those questions, and hopefully I'll be able to help you more.