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mississippi map turtle.

22 16:07:44

hi i bought a baby mississippi map turtle this last saturday(the 17nt) and i didnt get an OFFICIAL heat lamp in there until last night. and i came home from work and found the little guy in the water but he couldnt swim to the bottom. it kinda seemed like he had a big bubble of air under his shell. do u know why this is happening, and can i get it fixed?

Hi Jarrett,

Is your turtle swimming at all lopsided?  In circles?  Do you see any bubbles coming from his nose, or hear wheezing?  Inability to swim properly can mean pneumonia.  Make sure the water and basking temperatures are warm enough, and watch him for any of the above signs.  If he doesn't improve, you'll need to take him to a vet for treatment.  Hope this helped.