Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Male or Female?????

Male or Female?????

22 16:38:32

 How in the world do determine if your turtle is a boy or girl? I can't find nobody who knows. Please tell me!!!!!!!

1. NO ONE can tell if a turtle is a boy or girl until it is old enough to mate. For many turtles, this means about 4 years old.

2. Different species of turtles have different things to look for.

In most turtles, the male's belly is in-curved and their tail is longer and has the vent opening in about the middle. Female bellies are flat or slightly bulging, and their tails are short with the vent near the base.

In some Box Turtles, males tend to have red eyes.

In some pond turtles, like Painted Turtles or Red-ear Sliders, the males have longer front claws.

In some tortoises, males have long 'battering rams' coming off the front of the belly shell.

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