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My red eared slider is too lethargic.

22 16:13:08

I have a red eared slider. It was given as a gift for my birthday this year(march). I don't have much experience prior to this one with turtles. However I had some fish for a very long time. In the beginning it was two and a half inches in length. It has grown considerably to a length of 5 inches in these months. No problems till now. I am having an aquarium with dimensions 24x15x15 inches. My turtle was getting more sleepy if I poured water till the top of the aquarium so I was filling the water only upto half of the aquarium. There are some smooth marbles in it. It has two 15watt bulbs for lighting the tank. And I give manufactured turtle food to thrice a day.(each of 3-5cm in length)

In the past 5 or 6 days it has been very very lethargic. It is not even taking a pinch of food. Its lying at one place and is moving only an inch or so in the whole day. Its eyes are NOT swollen.A week ago I gave it a pieces of cashew nut.

I seldom smoke in my room that too far from the tank.(if its of some importance)

Pls tell me what should be my next move to make my turtle normal again.

Hi Paavan,

Your turtle needs to see a vet soon!

After the vet treats your turtle, does your turtle have a basking area where he can rest out of the water?  Here is some info about RES care:

You'll need to compare your care to the care suggested on these pages and make the necessary corrections.  But definately take your turtle to a vet soon!!!

I don't know what to say about the smoking.  It's not good for pets to be around it.  Maybe put your turtle tank by a window you can open (make sure the sun doesn't warm up the tank too hot) the turtle will like the fresh air and sun.  

You'll have to ask the vet about the cashew nut, sorry, I have no idea.  
