Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > identification


22 16:15:51

me and my friend both brought pair of small turtles yesterday from an aquarium. But to my atonishment the vendor didnt knew about the species of those turtles :(

so i've taken some pictures of it so that you can let me know about the species and give me tips for proper care and habitat for them :)

and the aquarium provide "taiyo turtle food sticks" to feed them, but those sticks are pretty large for these small cuites, so i need suggestions for it(how to feed them). Is it proper to feed them only on these staple food sticks or any other better diet is available for them.  

this is the link for my turtle pictures

they are only about 4-4.5 centimeters long.

can you please provide me with every possible information i can have, cause these living creatures are more than a pet to me.

Thank you,
Ankit :)

Hello Ankit, those turtles are Red Ear Slider Turtles. (RES turtles) they are semi-aquatic so their home needs to be mostly water with a place for them to climb up and get dry. Like a large smooth rock or floating dock.

I will include a link to a site with proper care, feeding, heating, lighting, etc.

The turtle food sticks will be fine just make sure they are smaller then the space between the turtle's eyes. Cut them in half if you need to.  There are many other things these turtles can eat but the sticks are fine for them as well. The link will go over some other food items that you can offer.

Here are a few links, if you haev any other questions let me know, I have owned 6 of these turtles through my life and currently I own two. So just let me know if you have anything else you want answered.

Good luck