Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > What does the fecal matter look like?

What does the fecal matter look like?

22 16:17:02

Hi Yexalen,
I'm happy that you are here for "new bee's" like me. I just got a red eared slider. Can't take it to the vet until Thursday. They want me to bring a fecal sample but I don't know what it looks like and I can't find a picture on the internet anywhere. Help!

Thanks, Brendi

Hello Brendi, The fecal matter will look usually light brown in color and approximately (judging on the size of the turtle) a quater of an inch long and about the diameter of a pencil or so. Just looks like a little capsul all most. Not quite solid and it sinks to the bottom. If you have a filter the filter will pick it up so turn that off until you can get the sample. I suggest taking 2-3 samples because in many cases the vet wont find anything in the first one but can in the second. Or something goes wrong with the sample and they tell you that you have to come back. So take as many as you can and be sure they are as fresh as possible. Keep them in a plastic sealable bag in the fridge until your vet visit.

Good luck!