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pergo 3toed box turtle

22 16:16:03

u asked me to email back if they are the same spieces(3 toed box turtles) now my female is acting realy weird and a little differt my male is acting normal i'm sure she is prego but not sure she burrows in soil now and soaks in water and do one of those 2 things 4 hours at a time. she asn't layed eggs yet i got the two turtles maybe a month ago maybe a little longer or sorter. cought wildly (people were shooting bebe's(bebe gun at 1 and the other was in the middle of highway.) im wondering if it could have mated in wild(female) and i know how to tell a fertle egg(30daymark place to light &look 4 veins but dont rotate egg) but dont know how to care for baby turtles besides food,water,&light/heat. im also wondering if theres a way (tempeture) to make a fertile egg a baby female (no more males) if not oh way but would love to know the basics and love that you take time to help me and others THANKS for that and have a great day.

Hi Jim,

There is a lot of work to caring for hatchlings and a gravid turtle.

There is a chance the eggs are non fertile too. But incubation will be best especially if you are not sure. Females will lay infertile eggs multiple times a year even if they have not mated.

Here is a link for Breeding the turtles it should cover the egg care, care for the mother, and hathclings.

Breeding information is at the bottom:

It is possible to temperature incubate to get mostly females but beware that females will lay eggs yearly and sometimes many times a year so be prepared for this.
And breeding these turtles is not recommended so if you can try to stay away from purposely breeding.

Here is another very helpful link:

Good luck