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my yellow-bellied sliders shell

22 16:14:26

hi amanda.
i read your little summary and i know u specified "box turtles" as being ur expertise, but i was wondering if u could answer a question about my yellow-bellied slider. if you cannot, its no problem, but i am going to give it a try anyways. my turtle is around 6 months old (im not sure if age is relevant here, but its a good thing to add). his shell ive noticed seems to be peeling away at certain parts. the part that peels away resembles a very thin layer of plastic. the texture of the layer is almost exactly like plastic. im unsure what this is. im worried that it is unhealthy. my initial thought when seeing some of it, was that his shell was shedding. is that even possible? do turtle shell's shed? the layer is only peeling off of his shell, not from his skin or scales. is this normal? please do ur best to answer, it would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry it took so long!

From the little tiny bit of research I just did, shell peeling is a normal thing in a growing slider.  However, I cannot tell you with certainty that there is nothing else wrong.  As long as there is no smell, or discoloration, or anything that seems wrong, I would say it is normal.  
