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Is my turtle fat?

22 16:15:16

I just adopted a 14-15 year old red ear slider turtle, three months ago. She is a female and her shell is about 8 1/2 inches long. I was just wondering if she is fat? I saw her trying to pull herself out of the water onto the platform an she was having a hard time. I have never know how much to feed her. She eats floating food  sticks everyday and she likes to eat water snails. When I give her the food sticks she eats them right up and if I gave her more she would eat them. I also gave her a small fish a week ago for the first time. Hope you can help thank you.

A turtle is considered overweight if it cannot easily pull itself into its shell. Having a hard time climbing a ramp might be more because of the design of the ramp.

At this age, we would normally be feeding it...
- About 1/3rd good pellets
- About 1/3rd live or frozen/thawed (not freeze-dried) fish foods like worms, insects, snails, krill, bugs, small fish, beef heart, etc.
- About 1/3rd dark leafy greens (lightly boiled or microwaved) and water plants

The daily portion would be about the size of its head (kind of all scrunched together)- not too much food. We would also skip days- 2 or 3 of them a week or so.

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