Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Keeping turtle tank clean!

Keeping turtle tank clean!

22 16:15:35

Hi, I've never posted on here before, so forgive me if I'm doing it wrong, or if
you're not the right person to go to. I have 2 red eared sliders that I've had
for a little over a year. I have them in a 20 gallon tank, filled approximately
half way with water. I am having the hardest time keeping the tank clean! I
don't know what changed all of a sudden, because I've never had such a hard
time before, but now the tank gets cloudy, and swampy-looking within 3-4
days after I clean it! I took all the rocks I had in there out thinking that it will
be easier for the filter to get all the stuff out without the rocks. And I clean
out my filter pretty often. Any suggestions??

Hi Michelle,

Don't worry your question is done right.

Try a bigger enclosure, maybe your turtles are creating too much waste for such a small area. 20 gallons is pretty small anyway.

Try a stronger filter, if you go by the size on the box "Filter Adequate for tanks 10 gallon to 30 gallon" then its wrong. Turtle waste is a lot larger and more frequent then fish. So you need a more powerful filter.

A larger tank will help out a lot though.

What kind of filter are you using and filter inserts?
