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Box turtle eggs

22 16:15:39

Hi Yexalen my kids brought home a box turtle and it laid four eggs,one it broke and the other three have depressions on the top/bottom of the eggs.I didnt know at the time that they needed to stay in the position that they were laid in as far as up side down side so I have them depression side up.So my question is how do I know if theyre  still alive,and What the depressions are from,they were laid with small flat spots but now there the size of the whole top of the shell. If you could help with that info that would be great. THANKS GEORGE.

Hello George,

It is most likely infertile, but keeping them warm and incubated will help.

If you keep them facing up take a flash light to them and if you see pink/red and veins inside they are fertile. If they are dull orange no movement or shapes in it... they probably are dead.

You will not be able to tell 2 weeks after they were laid.

Good luck