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filter for my tank

22 16:04:00

I have a red eared slider and he's in a 25 gallon tank right now. The filter that I have only seems to be working for a short while and then the tank gets really dirty. What's a good filter that will keep the tank clean the longest? Also, I'm moving out in April of next year and along with moving, my turtle is going to be moved into a 60 gallon tank. What kind of filter should I get for the new tank? I don't have much money because of the wedding and all but as long as the filter will work I'll get whatever it takes to keep my baby happy :)

Hello i use several filters for mine. i use a turtle filter and whisper. you should be able to contact a rescue for help. please let me know if i can help

I like to use the whispers as they filter well and you can use your own batting to make filters which saves you money and also saves the landfills.
I like the tetra turtle filters but iff youre trying to filter a large tank it is all going to depend on what depth you can get the filter to go So if you have a basking area that is hugh then y ou will not be able to use a standard filter. that is why it was hard to make a recommendation.
As far as who I sent you to, a rescue, they usually ahve extras Like I do that they would give you to save you the money.