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turtles and pothos

22 16:03:30

Hi there.
I have a red eared slider. A lot of pothos drape down above my turtle tank. I saw a tank at the metro-parks that had pothos growing inside of it, but when I asked the zoo keeper what plant it was, they said they didn't know. I would love to let it grow all around the tank and maybe even drape it into the water. If pothos is poisonous, is there another plant I could hand above the tank within my turtles reach?

Hi Sam,

From what I could find, pothos is toxic, so I wouldn't risk it.  I do know for sure that spider plants and wandering jew is both safe and edible, so you might be able to do something with spider plants drooping over the tank.  Here's a link to a list of toxic plants:  Hope that helps!