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chinese box turtle - black spot at front of mouth

22 16:07:12

Hi Jeannie,

When feeding my female box turtle yesterday morning, I noticed she had a black spot inside her mouth at the very front of her lower mouth, right under her break.  I was concerned as to the nature of this blackness.  Is it blood related or just food discoloration.  Should I make an appointment with my vet and take her to see her.  She is well treated and loved.  I change her water every day and wash down her setup once a week with clean warm water and very small amount of sudsy ammonia.  I have had her for 14 years now.  Any advice would greatly be appreciated.  Have a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Best regards,

Hi Michael,

It's very possible it's just food discoloration, so don't panic yet.  I'd observe her and see how she's doing in terms of behavior.  If she seems lethargic or has a loss of appetite that lasts more than a day or two, take her in and have the spot checked (if it's still there).  

I'm not sure what materials your enclosure is made of, but I think I'd avoid using the ammonia for a cleaner.  A disinfecting solution can be made using 10% bleach and 90% water.  Rinse well and allow to air dry.  

Congratulations on having your turtle for so long and wanting to do the best for her.