Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > red eared slider not opening eyes

red eared slider not opening eyes

22 16:00:42

My red eared slider has not been able to open his eyes since 3 weeks. He is eating fine and doing normal activity but of course since he can't see i guess so he is not as active as before. I have used boric acid but its of no use. There is no turtle expert near my home and I don't know what to do.

I have also noticed my turtle extending his face out of water and then opening his mouth and closing it and repeat the same few times and going back in water. I have never seen him do that before.

He also rubs his claws over his eyes as if his is irritated at the eyes being closed.

Then what I need you to do is to provide the background information you were asked for when you selected to present your question to me, because, otherwise, this is guessing on my part as to what is wrong, and I would rather not type out every possibility. Go back and provide answers to the questions in my instructions.