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aquarium to pond transition

22 16:17:15

  I have a red-eared slider ( 2-3 years of age) who is very healthy (about 8 inches long).  He is in a 55 gallon aquarium right now and I would like to move him into an outdoor pond.  I think I can pretty much figure out what he will need for the summer.  I am basically going to move all the filters from his aquarium to the pond along with the pond filter.  I am also going to add plants for food and pond cover.  If you have any particular do's and dont's for me I would appreciate them, but there are two questions I want to ask especially.  1. I know he will want direct sun for basking, but how do I keep the water from becoming too hot?  2. What do I have to do so that he can hibernate safely?  I live in Columbia, SC and the pond is aprox. 2 feet deep at the lowest point.  I would also be willing to run a water heater in the winter if that would even help.  I love my turtle and I don't want to take a chance with his safety, but I think he and I would both be happier if he could live outdoors.  Thanks so much!

it sounds like it will be great for it, and I don't think you need to worry about it too much- but I have never kept a turtle in a pond.

I'd like to recommend that you post your question at and see what keepers who have done ponds would recommend.

Good luck!